VyraNews #7: Getting Board-level Buy-in to Sustainability Strategy

Happy Thursday, 🌱

This is Jack from Vyra; follow my LinkedIn for focused content on sustainability in business.

Did you know that just 25% of companies believe their board members are prepared to deal with upcoming ESG disclosures?

Here’s the problem -

Companies find they are spending all of their time on ESG reporting and compliance.

Many senior leaders are unaware of what is material in their sustainability strategy;

But they do understand that compliance with new standards will be important at some point.

Meanwhile, most people working in ESG are stuck in a mountain of reporting-focused work, only taking action on other aspects of their organisation’s sustainability strategy in dribs and drabs.

We call it, the Sustainability Reporting Merry-Go-Round. Outlined below.

Low levels of literacy amongst leadership compounds the problem, because change takes longer than you would like.

So, what’s the solution to this boring madness, and how can you move the needle on sustainability?

Unsubscribing from this newsletter may help. But not for long; there are other ways to proceed, such as…

Enrolling your senior leaders in a training programme that gives them a grounding of the fundamentals of sustainability strategy.

Think ‘Busy Business Leader Programme for Optimal Life Performance’ without the nonsense or perpetual guilt of always spending time away from your loved ones.

Jokes aside, sustainability or ‘ESG’ as it may be referred to in your organisation, is core to your organisation’s brand image and, in many cases, the survival of your organisation.

So, make a start by educating the key people in charge on what this means. Then move forward with the support of climate-literate leaders.

Climate Change for Business Leaders Course

Vyra’s CPD-certified Climate Change Leadership course. (click the image to view)

What’s next?

February Webinar: How to Accelerate Board-level Buy-in to Sustainability Strategy w/ Special Guest.