VyraNews #11: 7 Ways to Engage Employees with World Water Day 2024

Happy Thursday šŸŒ šŸŒ±

šŸ”“ New character unlocked šŸ”“

I'm Luke Fagan, steering the ship of sustainability training at Vyra. Jack has recently decided to let me out of the learning lab, so expect to see some sustainability secrets from me more frequently in this newsletter!

Letā€™s get started!

As World Water Day draws near, businesses are presented with a unique and positive opportunity to lead in water conservation efforts and inspire their employees to make impactful contributions.

This annual event, aimed at raising awareness of the global water crisis, underscores the urgency of ensuring access to safe water for the 2.2 billion people currently living without it and aligns with the pursuit of UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6: water and sanitation for all by 2030.

What is World Water Day?

World Water Day is a UN-recognised day dedicated to acknowledging the importance of fresh water and advocating for the sustainable management of water resources.

It is a platform for discussing global water conservation and galvanising action towards achieving universal clean water and sanitation access.

When is World Water Day 2024 celebrated?

World Water Day is held on March 22nd every year.

What is the theme for World Water Day 2024?

The theme for World Water Day 2024, "Leveraging Water For Peace," highlights the essential link between water management and peacebuilding.

It prompts us to consider how equitable access to water resources can contribute to peace and sustainability across communities and nations.

Why engage your team in World Water Day?

Bringing your team into the fold for World Water Day trains them to contribute positively to water conservation in the workplace, their communities, and homes and opens the floor to their innovative suggestions for enhancing water-saving measures.

This collaborative approach aligns your business with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) and fosters a sense of ownership and commitment among employees, amplifying the collective impact on preserving this vital resource.

Here are seven ways to engage your employees in World Water Day 2024:

1. Local Waterway Clean-Up.

Organise a volunteering day to clean a nearby water body or green space. This hands-on activity heightens awareness about the impact of pollution on water resources and the environment.

2. 'Hydrate for Health' Challenge.

Encourage employees to achieve their daily water intake targets through a week-long challenge. This initiative underscores the importance of water for health and well-being, mirroring the broader necessity of water access for all.

3. Water-Saving Techniques Workshop.

Host workshops to educate your team on practical water-saving measures they can implement at home and in the office. Empowering employees with actionable tips can make a tangible difference in water conservation efforts.

4. Internal Water Awareness Campaign.

Run a campaign within your organisation to share stories and facts about water conservation, including initiatives undertaken by your company and broader global efforts. This can foster a sense of belonging and motivation among employees.

5. Water-Themed Art Competition.

Host a contest where employees can submit their water-themed artwork, whether it's paintings, photographs, or digital art. This creative approach can foster a deeper connection to water issues and encourage a diverse expression of the theme "Leveraging Water For Peace."

6. Commitment to Water Conservation Pledges.

Motivate employees to make personal pledges towards saving water, linking their commitments to the broader theme of water for peace. Sharing these pledges can inspire collective action and highlight each person's role in water conservation.

7. Interactive Online Training on Water Stewardship.

Sign your team up for online training that covers global water issues and the importance of water conservation at home and in the workplace. If you're interested, book a demo with Vyra here.

Vyra Literacy Training: Water Security For Business.

The Ripple Effect: Empowering Employees and Businesses

By adopting these water-centric initiatives, businesses raise awareness about the global water crisis and foster a workplace culture that values sustainability and community engagement. 

These activities can lead to a more informed, health-conscious, and motivated workforce, driving home the message that every individual action contributes to the collective effort towards achieving water and sanitation for all by 2030.

Let's embrace World Water Day 2024 with enthusiasm and commitment, leveraging water not just as a resource but as a catalyst for peace and sustainable development. 

Together, we can make a difference, one drop at a time.

Whatā€™s next?

March Webinar: How to Accelerate Board-level Buy-in to Sustainability Strategy with Ɓine Higgins, Head of ESG and Sustainability at NTR.

Ɓine joined NTR plc in 2021 and is responsible for leading Environment, Social and Governance topics with a focus on delivering sustainable business practices at both an enterprise level and through NTR plcā€™s investment funds. She drives a range of strategic improvement initiatives such as carbon footprint assessment, supply chain management and biodiversity actions. She leads the production of the voluntary annual ESG report.  

Ɓine Higgins, Head of ESG and Sustainability at NTR plc.

Before joining NTR plc, Ɓine was Head of Environment, Quality, Health and Safety for Siemens Limited, Ireland. Ɓine holds a BSc, an MSc, an MBA, a diploma in Corporate Governance, and a diploma in Organisational Change and Transformation. She also has a Diploma in Company Direction from the Institute of Directors. She is a non-executive board director at the Producer Register Limited and the Irish Electrical Benevolent Association.

We look forward to speaking with Ɓine about accelerating board-level buy-in to sustainability strategy on March 21st at 12:00 pm GMT.

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